A Day Full of Emotions

The renowned photojournalist from The Washington Post, Carol Guzy, enlightened us on Wednesday with her fantastic photography. I teared up all throughout her presentation and completely cried when she revealed her 9/11 pictures. She is truly an incredible photojournalist who knows how to perfectly capture a moment. “If you can’t help all, at least help one.”
I enjoyed receiving great editing advice from Casey Given and Cathy Reisenwitz, Editors and Political Commentators at Young Voices. They told us to follow our passion, and that Philosophy classes will improve our writing because every sentence has to be meaningful. Casey and Cathy then encouraged me to get involved with my high school and college newspapers and to do some freelance work, so I can gain editing experience. It was exciting to talk and interact with established editors!
Finishing the day was Kevin McCarthy, an entertainment reporter and movie critic in the Washington D.C. metro area. He shared stories of his interviews with many famous people like One Direction, Leonardo DiCaprio, and many, many more. Kevin told us that internships are important and to take risks. He also gave us this quote: “Do what you love, and the money will follow.”
It was an incredible day filled with nerd tears and sad tears. I’m so grateful for these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities at the Washington Journalism and Media Conference!

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